Events 2018-2019


PG & Research Department of Commerce organized a work shop on “ONLINE STOCK TRADING on 28.11.2018 The function began with “Thamizh Thai Valthu”. Dr.T.Gayathri, Asst. Professor, Department of Commerce, welcomed the gathering and introduced Dr.V.Selvaraj, (Retd. Professor of Commerce), Nehru Memorial College, the Resource Person of the workshop Dr.A.R.Ponperiasamy, Principal, in his presidential address, briefly introduced the Resource Person Dr.V.Selvaraj and motivated the students to have a interactive session with him. Dr.A.R.Ponperiasamy, Principal, honoured the Resource Person Dr.V.Selvaraj, (Retd. Professor of Commerce), Nehru Memorial College, by adorning him with shawl. Dr.V.Selvaraj, Resource Person, clearly explain the students about the Stock Market Practices through online. He also explain the students how to invest in stock market by properly identify the suitable company. Students showed keen interest by actively listening to the lecture and raise lot of questions and clarify their doubts. They also gave their positive feedback about the programme and also expressed that they were very much benefitted and able to know lot of information about Share Market Practices. Staff members of the Commerce Department were also presented. Dr.I.Sumathi, Assistant Professor of Commerce proposed vote of thanks and the function came to an end with National Anthem.

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